Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hot August Weather

Nice hot weather here in Washington this August. OAR is able to keep the facility relatively cool. Mom had another good trip to worship services at church last Lord's Day. All went well. Monday at my morning check in phone call, she remarked on how much she enjoyed being in church. We also talked about how Snickers and Popcorn are having a good time on their trip to Germany and look forward to hearing all about it when they get home. Tuesday was her "Beauty Parlor" day. She always feels so much better after her session in the Beauty Parlor and is usually the first in line for it. She is an early riser. We also helped her with her voting ballot for the Washington Primary and she was proud to send in her absentee ballot. Everything else seems to be going alright. Attached is an article on six things to think about in financial planning for seniors. Click Here.