Thursday, June 30, 2011

the money stuff

We are still dealing with the medicaid lack of payments needed for Mom's stay at OAR. The social worker gave us all the paper work needed to get the ball rolling on this and it showed that Mom was qualified "medically" speaking for rent assistance at OAR. There are two figures that Medicaid will pay. One is $52.72 per day for Med. B and the other is $94.71 for Dementia Care. Mom registered at OAR as a Private Pay resident originally but we knew that her funds would run out within the first month or two and filed for Medicaid at the time she moved in. We were told that the Medicaid payments would kick in retroactively when the paper work goes through. So, we have been paying the Private Pay bill at OAR each month based on the figures given above for Medicaid assistance and subtracting them from the monthly bill . Mom's fund are indeed depleted. We received a bill from OAR stating that Mom still owed them $9060.90. Our figure showed that she was all paid up on her part and the medicaid funds would make the balance zero.

At a meeting with OAR this week we learned that the figures given above are not a sum total of daily benefits but an "either or" kind of thing and that Mom is "medically"qualified for the $94.71 per day benefit but so far DSHS has not shown her qualified "financially" for the benefits. While in this meeting, I called DSHS. The Social Worker is out on medical leave and I talked to Bruce, the Social Worker's supervisor who verified that a case worker was working on the "financial" qualifications right then and when finished, we would be notified what Mom's co-pay would be and the benefits would be payed retroactively to the first of June. Upon hearing this, the folks at OAR said that they would go back into Mom's account and rework it with the understanding that she will not be a Private Pay resident effective the first of June but a Public Assistance residence and that makes the rates different. So, we wait. Pray for us.

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